CERO estrés 012 – Mi problema, es hormonal?

posted in: Wellness, Estres, podcast

(Español) En este episodio hablo de las hormonas, explico porque son tan importante y como se relacionan a muchas condiciones de salud. Identifico algunos estilos de vida que impactan al sistema hormonal y como se refleja en la salud de tu cuerpo. Hablo un poco sobre la importancia del estrogéno y menciono algunas de las sobre 400 funciones que el estrógeno participa en el cuerpo humano. Además, te digo que alternativas tienes disponible para corregir dichas situaciones. Si tienes síntomas nuevos y no entiendes de donde salen estos achaques, este episodio es para ti.… Read More

Do you need that coffee to wake up?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres, Nutricion

Do you feel fatigue, tired, sleepy, is it difficult to wake up in the morning, are you tired in the afternoons, do you need your caffeine, energy drinks, salty foods, or sweets to work, do you have low sexual drive, and are you stressed out? Your adrenal glands may be overstimulated due to constant stress. Taking caffeine stimulates … Read More

What came first, chicken or the egg?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres, Nutricion

We also ask ourselves, what came first, the condition or the hormonal imbalance?  Do you have any of the following symptoms: depression, anxiety, food sensitivity, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, brain fog, weight gain, low libido, low immune system? A hormonal imbalance can cause a health condition like high blood pressure. In the same way, a health condition, like … Read More

If you go to the bathroom, do you still need it?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres, Nutricion

Recently, I realized there are people that think that a probiotic is needed only by those who do not go to the bathroom on a regular basis. Have you ever taken antibiotics? Do you have allergies? Do you have stress or anxiety? Do you have respiratory problems? Do you suffer from inflammation? Do you get gases? If you … Read More