CERO estrés – 027 El cáncer y las toxinas

posted in: Wellness, Estres, Hormonas, podcast

(Español) El número de toxinas ambientales es inmenso. Según diferentes estudios estas toxinas que se encuentran en muchos de los productos que usamos a diario, están relacionados con el cáncer. En este episodio explico cuales son estos productos y que hacer para sustituirlos. Si conoces a alguien con cáncer o te interesa como tener un hogar y vida libre de toxinas, para ti y tus seres queridos, este episodio es para ti.… Read More

CERO estres 022 – Los carbohidratos

Existen diferentes tipos de carbohidratos, unos que nos ayudan a obtener energía mientras que otros afectan el nivel de azúcar y contribuyen al desbalance hormonal. En este episodio explico cuales son los carbohidratos que debes consumir y que porciento de carbohidratos y proporción consumir en relación a las proteínas y grasas. Si tienes duda de cual de todas las dietas es mejor para ti, o si has visto que la dieta que has hecho no te ha funcionado, este episodio es para ti.… Read More

CERO estres 020- pruebas para la fertilidad

posted in: Wellness, Estres, Hormonas, podcast

(Español) Una de cada tres parejas tiene difultad saliendo encinta. Existen muchas causas que influyen en la salud de una mujer que desea ser fertil. En este episodio explico 7 pruebas diferentes que puedes hacer para identificar donde puede estar la causa del problema de fertilidad. Si deseas salir encinta y no lo has logrado, este episodio es para ti. Si necesitas mi apoyo, mis datos los consigues en www.terebeard.com.… Read More

Small changes that bring great benefits for the prostate

posted in: Wellness, Blog

When creating awareness to maintain a healthy body and avoid the risk of developing prostate cancer it is important to create good habits from an early age. There are different factors that influence the  body’s health, such as diet, emotional state, physical condition and the environment around you. In the case of prostate cancer, I recommend that you … Read More

Healthy pancakes

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Nutricion

You want to eat healthy and you crave pancakes. They say not to eat processed flours. Use this product instead of white flour. It is high in protein, high in fiber, low in sugar, high in nutrients. Mix it with coconut milk or almond milk, one egg and it is ready. Cook as you would traditional pancakes.  And … Read More

Do I need to detox?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Nutricion

Do you have only coffee for breakfast? Are you constipated? Is your body gaining more fat? Do you have cellulitis? Do you have less energy than usual? Do you have hormonal inbalance? Do you get angry easily? If you answer yes to these questions or if you have high cholesterol, I suggest you start detoxing your liver now. … Read More

If you go to the bathroom, do you still need it?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres, Nutricion

Recently, I realized there are people that think that a probiotic is needed only by those who do not go to the bathroom on a regular basis. Have you ever taken antibiotics? Do you have allergies? Do you have stress or anxiety? Do you have respiratory problems? Do you suffer from inflammation? Do you get gases? If you … Read More

Are you taking a shower with poison?

posted in: Wellness, Blog

Many products, including soaps, hand lotions, and even clothes, have triclosan, a chemical used to kill bacteria. When you see an antibacterial soap, it usually contains triclosan. The ironic point is that while you clean yourself with your soap, which contains triclosan, it interferes with your hormonal and reproductive systems and even the environment.Triclosan will be prohibited since … Read More

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